We want to do the right thing
Infobric strives to maintain an open business climate and a high level of business ethics. In our operations, we safeguard the safety and respect of all the people affected by our activities. Our success depends on establishing and maintaining trust with our stakeholders both inside and outside the company. Employees and external stakeholders are encouraged to report suspected violations of Infobric’s Code of Conduct and the law so that Infobric can become aware of them in a timely manner and deal with situations that risk harming Infobric or our employees.
Our Whistleblowing Service
Through our whistleblowing service, both employees and external stakeholders can anonymously report serious violations of the law or Infobric’s Code of Conduct. To ensure your anonymity, the service is managed by an external party WhistleB, the Whistleblowing Centre, https://report.whistleb.com/en/infobricgroup. The communication channel is encrypted and password protected. All messages are treated confidentially.
You can also contact our whistleblower function via our switchboard, phone number +46 (0)36-340302.
For more information, please read Infobric's Whistleblowing Policy
No reprisals
Infobric has a strict policy against retaliation and will not accept any form of harassment against any person who reasonably reports a matter by using any of our reporting channels.