
Cookie Policy

We use cookies on A cookie is a text file stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies are used to recognise or remember your device when you visit a website.

Some, but not all, of the cookies we use contain personal data. For information on how we process your personal data, please see our privacy policy.

Your selected settings for cookies

Similar technologies

There are similar technologies such as pixel tags (transparent images found in e-mails sent to you) and web storage (used to store information in your device’s browser). In this policy, we refer to all of these technologies as “cookies”.

Different types of cookies

We use two types of cookies on our website – session cookies and persistent cookies.

  • Session cookies are stored for the time you use the website and are deleted when you close your browser.
  • Persistent cookies are stored on your device for a certain period or until you manually remove them.
    The website uses both first-party and third-party cookies on the website:
  • First-party cookies are set by the website you are visiting. These cookies are primarily used to ensure the technical functionality and security of the website.
  • Third-party cookies are set by someone other than the website you are visiting, such as by our partners and service providers. We use external platforms to monitor and evaluate the use of the website, e.g. by way of Google Analytics.

Your consent to the use of cookies reuired

Your consent is required for the use of cookies, but not for the use of cookies that are strictly necessary in order to provide the website. You can manage which cookies that can be placed on your device by adjusting your settings. You can change your settings at any time. See the section “How to manage the use of cookies” below. If you consent to mailings, you accept the use of cookies in the mailings. Your consent to the use of cookies lasts for one year [after which time we will require your consent again].

When we use cookies

We can place cookies on your computer or device and read the information stored in them when you:

  • Visit and use the website; and
  • Open mailings from us, such as e-mails.

Which cookies do we use

Following cookies do we use to day, the list updates once a month.

How to manage the use of cookies

You can manage the use of cookies on the websites as follows:

Website settings

You can change your cookie settings at any time directly here on the website. You can do this by adjusting your cookie settings.

Your browser

You can also manage your cookie settings in your browser. You can normally set your browser to block all cookies, to accept only certain cookies, or to delete cookies when you close your browser.

Remember that if you choose to block cookies in your browser, our website may no longer work properly or you may no longer be able to use certain features. If you require more information, you can visit

Ad settings on social networking platforms

Google’s advertising settings allow you to manage the use of cookies for showing you tailored ads on websites. Please see Google ads settings.

If you use Facebook, you can control whether ads based on your behaviour are shown on Facebook and other websites that use Facebook’s advertising services in Facebook’s advertising settings.

You can also control LinkedIn’s use of cookies for showing you tailored ads in .

To communicate and provide offers via various channels

We use cookies to provide you with tailored communications. These cookies help us and our partners to show you relevant information in various digital channels, such as on social networking platforms, based on, for example, your visit and click history (interest-based advertising).

We use various external partners for this purpose. For more information, please see the section “External partners” below.


If you have any questions about our use of cookies, please get in touch with us at

External partners

Below you will find more information about the external partners we use and which ones place cookies on your device when you visit the website.

Name Service Country Further information
Google Statistics and communication USA See Googles information
X (Twitter) Communication USA Sse Twitters information
LinkedIn Communication USA See LinkedIns policy
Facebook Communication USA See Facebooks information
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